Mir Sharif Domain & Hosting

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Business Hosting Plan

  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Multi-lingual Control Panel
  • 5 Domains Hosted
  • 30 Day Free Trial
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Premium Hosting from Mir Sharif Hosting

User-friendly CP

Our unique Control Panel allows you to manage your web site(s) and domain name(s) from one single place. It's fast, responsive and easy to use. Using the drag 'n' drop file upload functionality and the useful right-click contextual menus, you can easily control everything associated with your website.

Application Installer

The Apps Installer tool will allow you to easily install more than 40 popular web apps, among them Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and many others, with only one click. You don't have to download anything or create a database - our tool will do everything for you.

24/7 Support

If you have a problem with your web site, you can always lean on our technical support staff - its members are available 24/7/365. No matter what, they will reply in under one hour, with the average response time being 20 minutes.

How It Works?

You can have absolute control over your websites and domain(s) thanks to our Hosting Control Panel. It features a easy to use interface with point-and-click actions. View Demo

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Web Hosting Services from Mir Sharif Hosting

Mir Sharif Hosting offers first-rate web hosting plans and lots of charge-free bonuses, which will help you create your web site quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.

Web Hosting Plans Control Panel

Pick Your Data Center

With Mir Sharif Hosting, your web hosting account will be located in an enterprise-level data center. You can pick between our US data center in Chicago, Illinois, our UK data center just outside of Coventry and our AU data center. Regardless of which data center you select, you will get the same web hosting features at the same price and enjoy our industry-acclaimed web hosting service.

Multiple Data Centers

Easy-to-use Control Panel

We have a proprietary web hosting Control Panel called Hepsia and our tests have revealed that it is at least 3 times quicker than other hosting Control Panels.

In our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, you will also see a lot of charge-free tools, which will help you build a brand new website in a jiffy, or quickly improve your existing one. You will see a selection of over 300 free-of-cost web design templates and if you wouldn't like to manually install your chosen web site theme, you can utilize our Website Installer tool. It will do the work instead of you. Just choose a web theme and specify where you would like to install it. And if you desire to do things on your own, we also offer a web site builder through which you can modify every little aspect of your web site, without needing to understand anything about HTML.

Web Hosting Plans Control Panel

Live Web Stats

We have also come up with a custom statistics tool, so that you can have all the info about how users interact with your web site right in the web hosting Control Panel. You do not need to avail of third-party pieces of software. Plus, our clever tool will start collecting statistics the moment you get your first visitor - you do not need to set up anything or to add random snippets of code to your site.

Hosting Stats

Risk-free Hosting Services

You can always bank on our round-the-clock tech support team whose representatives will reply to you in no more than twenty minutes. There are no covert taxes, no additional fees and no setup charges with any of our hosting packages. And if, for whatever reason, you are dissatisfied with the quality of the hosting service, you can receive a full refund during the first 30 days of your subscription.

Risk-Free Hosting

Free 1-Click Script Installs! WordPress